PVC Windows

PVC Windows are the most popular choice for replacement and new build projects in Ireland. The advantages of using pvc instead of wood is much more beneficial.  No need for painting and maintenance is minimal. All that may be required is some oil on hinges and moving parts. Weatherglaze will provide a full installation service for your new windows.

PVC Windows Options

Windows also come in an affordable price range, which can help a homeowner get exactly what they need without going over budget. PVC is a thermoplastic polymer and when used in window frames is impervious to moisture. PVC is also fire resistant. Insert double or triple glazed units into a uPVC frame and you will have product that is secure and energy efficient.pvc windows

PVC windows stay resilient through years of even the harshest weather changes and will not warp or twist. On top of flattering options and designs, these windows come in a range of colors that nicely augment a color scheme thereby enhancing a home’s character.

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PVC Replacement Windows Available in Oak and Rosewood

A popular choice with homeowners and home-builders, uPVC windows also come in a range of colors, styles and finishes such as black, rosewood or oak. Windows are the eyes to a home’s soul. These days, making the right choice means much more than just picking something that lets the sun shine in.

Each and every individual will undoubtedly have his or her own considerations to weigh up during the selection process. However, the overwhelming issue home-builders and homeowners most commonly face is a need for a window option that is attractive yet practical and efficient.

Luckily, double glazed and triple glazed PVC windows are two excellent options that bridge this span using environmentally friendly materials that stay appealing to the eye. uPVC windows can be found in a multitude of designs and styles, making them compatible with a home of any age and size. One of the most important elements to watch out for is the method of installation.

upvc windows

brick porches

windows and doors

doubled glazed windows

cream windows

porches and windows
57 Esker Lodge, Lucan